
How to install Alga.js?


if you want to download Alga.js directly and save it to your directory, you can go to github link here or clone that github repository.


for CDN, we have 3 options here such as CDN from upkg, jsdelivr and bundle run, you can get its link below:

unpkg cdn:

jsdelivr cdn:

bundle run cdn:


if you want installing Alga-js to your system, we provide NPM or Yarn package for you.

npm install alga-js //or
npm i alga-js

yarn add alga-js

On your javascript file you can import it like the code below:

//ES modules
import * as $ from 'alga-js' //or
import { array, object, string, ... } from 'alga-js'

// Not recommended
import { $array, $object, $string, ... } from 'alga-js' //or
import * as _ from 'alga-js' //or
import * as Alga from 'alga-js'

//Node or Common modules
const alga = require('alga-js')

import { paginate, select, ... } from 'alga-js/lib/array.js'
import { calendar } from 'alga-js/lib/date.js'
import { ... } from 'alga-js/lib/....js'

Last updated

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